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June 03, 2011

What’s Behind the Deadly Weather?
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Experts call this the deadliest tornado season in over 50 years, and the most expensive. But what’s causing the awful weather? Then, black males are disproportionately represented in America’s prison system. We’ll talk to an ex-con and former drug dealer who’s looking to make things better.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: The Impact of Tornadoes
The 2011 tornado season has been the deadliest in more than fifty years. Kevin M. Simmons, PhD, co-author of Economic and Societal Impacts of Tornadoes discussed the reasons behind the recent extreme weather. He talked about significant improvements in tornado warning systems and potential construction of government storm shelters in vulnerable areas of the country. He also talked about the most cost-effective moves that would prevent tornado-related fatalities.
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InfoTrak: These Four Walls
KD Hardy, former drug dealer and prison inmate, author of These Four Walls shared his story of life as a former drug dealer and prison inmate. He said that many African-American men wind up in prison because they have been taught that education and spirituality are not important. He explained how he dealt with temptations after he was released from prison, and what he believes should be done to keep young black men from entering the criminal justice system.
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InfoTrak: Filling up the Barrel
Some of the hottest items in home improvement stores this spring are rain barrels. Water conservation expert Gina Hungerford explained how rain barrels can help the environment, while also saving money. She said it only takes basic skills to make and install one.
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Links to Related Websites:
The Partnership For Water Conservation
The Partnership for Water Conservation actively engages the Puget Sound region in conservation efforts generating measurable water savings that support communities, provide long-term economic benefits and protect watersheds by helping to sustain necessary flows in rivers and streams.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
KD Hardy
K.D. Hardy is the husband to Tracy Davis Hardy and the Father of one son Kerry Trayvon Hardy. He is a very proud member of the Worship Center Christian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. He is also a Les Brown Platinum Speaker. Before he committed himself to God and became a Platinum Speaker, Kerry lived the life of a "drug dealer". He is an example that change is "POSSIBLE". K.D. Hardy holds an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education from Ashworth College and a diploma as a Financial Planning Specialist from PCDI. He also has a certification in fitness from the NFPT. He obtained these accomplishments during his incarceration.

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