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October 23, 2016

Goliath Returns
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A Bible Scholar has made the connection between aliens in the Bible and signs of the end times. Are we witnessing the rise of the Antichrist? Richard and gues Ali Siadatan will sift through the evidence and distinguish between the dawn of a new age or a coming mass deception.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Goliath Returns
Bible Scholar and Exopolitics Disclosure Advocate Ali Siadatan has made the connection between aliens in the Bible and signs of the end times. Are we witnessing the rise of the Antichrist? Richard and Ali will sift through the evidence and distinguish between the dawn of a new age or a coming mass deception.
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The Conspiracy Show: Goliath Returns Part Two
Richard continues the discussion into hour two of Aliens in the Bible. Richard and Ali will discuss the installation of the Antichrist, the ongoing Spiritual battle for the Soul of man, use of spiritual discernment to seperate counterfeit signs and wonders from Biblical prophecy. They will also talk about the different alien species who walk among us and may be producing a race of hybrids who have a hidden agenda and ulterior motive to serve the Antichrist.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Ali Siadatan
Born in Iran, Ali Siadatan has been involved in a lifelong search into spirituality. He feels that the hand that has guided him through life has led him into the examination of the relationship that exists between angels and UFOs.

After finishing a Masters degree in French language & Literature at the University of Toronto, Ali decided to pursue his passion for the Chinese arts of Kung Fu and Tai Chi and opened a center. Today joined by his wife Shellie, they run a martial arts and health center in downtown Toronto.

His documentary \"UFOs Angels and Gods\" is his first attempt at directing and writing for the audio-visual arts. His research into UFOs has inspired him to write a fiction book that he is working on, as well as a second documenatry on the rise of the Antichrist entitled:Goliath Rising, Hybrids, Nephilim, & Titans.

Think Again Productions