Saturday • March 15
CST 6:43 | EST 7:43 | MST 5:43 | PST 4:43 | GMT 23:43
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October 22, 2017

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Is it possible that this ancient paradigm has determined and is determining not only the American presidency but also the timing of current events, in some cases even down to the exact dates? Could a mystery from the ancient Middle East have foretold the course of current events more accurately than any poll or pundit? Could the ancient paradigm have pinpointed the exact date of the 9/11 attacks before anyone had any idea? Could the paradigm have determined the exact years of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Osama bin Laden, Donald Trump, and others?

Our guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is known for his uncovering of ancient mysteries and revealing their often startling significance to our day and age. His latest book is called The Paradigm, and he covers those questions and more!
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: Eschaology Part 1
Richard welcomes Jonathan Cahn, a authoritative Rabbi who has unlocked the Bible's Greatest Prophecies! Hear about A Coming World Government, the end-times relationship between America and Israel, the rebuilding of the Third Temple and has the Anti-Christ appeared on the scene?
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The Conspiracy Show: Eschaology Part 2
Richard continues the discussion with the distinguished Rabbi on end times events and the fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.
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