Thursday • March 13
CST 9:58 | EST 10:58 | MST 8:58 | PST 7:58 | GMT 02:58
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Maryann's Story
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Maryann Barrus and her husband Dean are the parents of Jesse. Jesse was diagnosed with angelman syndrome. Named for the English pediatrician who identified it, Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in one in 15,000 live births. Characteristics include developmental delay, lack of speech, seizures, and walking and balance disorders. It is often misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy or autism, due to lack of awareness. Despite these constant challenges, individuals with Angelman syndrome have a happy demeanor, laugh frequently and are often smiling.
Episode Segments:
Heaven Sent and Bent: Maryann Barru
Maryann Barru discusses the challenges and rewards of raising her daughter Jesse, who has Angelman syndrome.
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Links to Related Websites:
Angelman Syndrome Foundation
Angelman Syndrome Foundation is the largest non-governmental funder of AS specific research. More importantly, our research has brought forth new discoveries that bring hope for therapies and ultimately a cure for AS. Help us give them a reason to smile.