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December 14, 2015

The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments
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If you’re in chronic pain and you’re not getting adequate relief from your treatment, You need to read Cindy Perlin's book. You don’t have to “learn to live with your pain” or put up with unpleasant side effects from your medication. There are treatments available that could safely cure your pain.

The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments reviews the evidence for the safety and effectiveness of a wide variety of treatments as well as how organized medicine is keeping you from getting the care you need and deserve. It’s a comprehensive guide to avoiding the treatments that don’t work or are likely to cause harm and selecting the therapies that are most likely to promote healing.
Episode Segments:
Corporate Talk: Cindy Perlin
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Cindy Perlin
Cindy became highly motivated to learn about effective chronic pain treatments after she developed severe, disabling back pain in 1977 when she was 25 years old. Doctors could not tell her what was wrong with her and they did not know how to help her. They prescribed drugs that did not work and that were potentially dangerous. After 3 ½ years of misery and at a point where suicide was beginning to look like a good idea, a friend suggested that Cindy read Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins. Cousins, when faced with a progressive, degenerative joint disease and presented with a hopeless prognosis, found his own way to healing through the mind/body connection and laughter therapy. Cousins also mentioned biofeedback in his book. Cindy found a biofeedback therapist and started to turn her life around after the first session.

Cindy continued to explore mind/body and other nonpharmacological approaches to healing pain and other health challenges. She completed her Master's Degree in Social Work and became a nationally certified biofeedback practitioner. For the last 25 years she has helped her many clients improve their emotional and physical well-being through her private practice near Albany, New York.

Cindy's new book, The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free, is intended to educate patients, health care providers and policy makers about how to end the epidemic of chronic pain that is ruining the lives of 116 million Americans and over a billion people around the world. Cindy is also working on another book, Health Care Hijacked: How We're Being Cheated Out of Safe, Effective, Affordable Health Care and What We Can Do About It

Cindy's Website